工作內容 :
一般行政助理工作, 一般接待工作, 接聽電話, 回覆客戶查詢, 處理文書工作, 如資料輸入及文件存檔; Provide clerical support to daily sales activities (e.g. quotations, sales order and invoices preparation); Respond promptly to queries from clients via email and phone calls
薪金 :
每月$14,000 - $18,000 (Able to handle multi-tasks and work under pres...
要求學歷 :
中六程度; 1年2個月經驗; 良好粵語; 一般普通話; 一般英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂電腦文書處理; 懂Microsoft Office; 具有一般互聯網知識; 懂中文打字; 具有基本電腦操作知識; 1 year experience in Customer Services / Sales Administration; Independent at work, diligent