工作內容 :
Job rotations at core functional departments; Liaise with internal and external parties to complete tasks and solve problems (Good team spirit and able to work under pressure; A strong desire to take on challenges & make success on career life)
薪金 :
每月$18,000 - $20,000, 有超時工作津貼, 年假12天, 生日假, 在職培訓, 醫療福利, 膳食津貼 及交通津貼, 星...
要求學歷 :
專上教育:文憑/證書; 良好粵語; 良好普通話; 良好英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; 懂MS Word; 懂MS PowerPoint; 懂MS Excel; 懂中英文電腦操作; Passionate at work, responsible