一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票, 尋找供應商, 價格分析, 物流安排, 產品品質監控, 主要涵蓋訂單執行、訂單管理、樣品需求、數據統計及輔助工作五個方面 ...
瀏覽詳情在日常運營中支援和協調銷售人員,準備報價單及相關文件; 與客戶和速遞員的日常協調; 定期準備銷售報告給管理層; 為已完成的項目維護完工圖庫; 樣品庫存記錄和控制; 維護銷售/行銷材料 ...
Support and coordinate with Sales in daily operations and procedures, preparation of correspondences; Daily coordination with customers and carriers; Preparing p...
瀏覽詳情根據客戶訂單製作生產單; 負責外發產品的單據製作, 跟進生產進度及產品品質; 跟進、協調樣板生產; 生產部的物料訂購、收發、整理、檢驗工作; 生產報表的數據統計及分析; 統計生產數據及材料進出數據, 處理日常報表 ...
瀏覽詳情一般跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 處理報價和發票, asst to the Merchandiser, follow up the order, sampling etc. ...
General duties of Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Preparing quotations and invoices, asst to the Merchandiser, follow up the order, sampling etc...
瀏覽詳情Assist Senior Merchandiser on daily duties; Responsible for Product Development from Quote, Production & Shipments; Monitor production orders, and maintain a clo...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 處理報價和發票, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 物流安排, 網店跟進,安排發貨 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Preparing quotations and invoices, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Logis...
瀏覽詳情跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票, 尋找供應商,價格分析, 物流安排, 產品品質監控, 一般採購員/跟單員工作, 執行其他由上司委派之工作 ...
Following up purchase orders, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Preparing quotations and invoices, Sourcing suppliers, price analysis, Logistics arrangement...
瀏覽詳情一般跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 一般文書工作,包括文件存檔、資料輸入 ...
一般跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 一般文書工作,包括文件存檔、資料輸入...
瀏覽詳情處理美國公司安排的客戶訂單, 和工廠聯絡跟進生產進度、貨期, 電腦資料輸入 ...
處理美國公司安排的客戶訂單, 和工廠聯絡跟進生產進度、貨期, 電腦資料輸入...
瀏覽詳情一般跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶, 解答客人問題, 價格分析, 產品品質監控 , 需外出工作 ...
一般跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶, 解答客人問題, 價格分析, 產品品質監控 , 需外出工作...
瀏覽詳情一般跟單員工作, 一般文職工作, 跟進及處理日常客戶訂單, 電腦資料輸入 ...
一般跟單員工作, 一般文職工作, 跟進及處理日常客戶訂單, 電腦資料輸入...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票, 尋找供應商,價格分析, Assist Senior Merchandiser and Manager/ress in day to day follow up & sampling (Immediate available is preferable)...
瀏覽詳情跟進訂單, 處理報價和發票, 一般採購員/跟單員工作, 物流安排, 負責接聽電話, 電腦入單, 開發票, 核對及跟進訂單, 協助物流事項,如跟單、出貨, 處理電腦資料, 紀錄文件及存檔, 準備出貨文件, 電子報關, 準備客人月結單和處理相關文件, 一般文書工作 ...
Following up purchase orders, Preparing quotations and invoices, General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Logistics arrangement, 負責接聽電話, 電腦入單, 開發票, 核對...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 接聽電話,文件存檔,報關,出訂單/發票,與客人及工廠跟進訂單事宜, Logistics Arrangement (Email:winnie@itsworld-wide.com/account01@itsworld-wide.com) ...
General duties of Merchandising Clerk,, 接聽電話,文件存檔,Custom Declaration, preparing Quotation and invoice,work with Supplier and Customer, Logistics Arrangement (Ema...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票, 尋找供應商, 價格分析, 物流安排; 一般業務助理工作, 處理公司之雜務, 例如文件整理, 負責公司所有常務工作, 需外勤工作 ...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作,處理交收貨物、理貨及跟貨進度,電腦文件輸入 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator,處理交收貨物、理貨及跟貨進度,電腦文件輸入...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Preparing quotations and invoices...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 庫存管理, 價格控制; 聯絡供應商, 發出訂單, 確認貨期 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders; 聯絡供應商, Review & verify SO & PO, Cost control and inventory control; Follow up o...
瀏覽詳情跟進訂單, 一般採購員/跟單員工作, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 物流安排 ...
Following up purchase orders, General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Logistics arrangement...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作,跟進訂單,聯絡客戶及供應商,處理報價和發票 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Preparing quotations and invoices...
瀏覽詳情Communicate with China factory, Follow up orders, Handle sample and product development, Handle customer accounts. ...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 尋找供應商, 價格分析, 負責一般文書工作, 資料輸入等 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Sourcing suppliers, price analysis, General clerical work, data entry etc....
瀏覽詳情負責處理採購工作, 跟進採購訂單, 與供應商協調, 系列資料輸入, 其他文職工作等 ...
負責處理採購工作, 跟進採購訂單, 與供應商協調, 系列資料輸入, 其他文職工作等...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作 ...
General duties of Merchandiser/ Sales Coordinator...
瀏覽詳情負責跟單及倉務工作, 包括開單, 分發貨物, 協助貨倉日常事務 (具職業安全知識(或認可證)優先) ...
負責跟單及倉務工作, 包括開單, 分發貨物, 協助貨倉日常事務 (具職業安全知識(或認可證)優先)...
瀏覽詳情密切監控和管理生產狀態和流程,確保交付順利一致; 監控工廠績效並參與評估; 處理與海外客戶和工廠的日常溝通; 協調從開發到生產和運輸的銷售流程; 跟進工廠生產狀況,滿足顧客需求; 協助樣品處理、訂單和運送資料輸入以及與客戶的聯絡; 一般接待職責,包括接聽電話、接待客人和快遞服務等 ...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶溝通訂單進單, 理解客戶要求, 處理報價和發票, 物流安排; 物料之產品樣辦及大貨進度並與生產部門及客人聯絡; Plan and Organise meeting to market; Provide Professional Service to designer, own...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator; Plan and Organise meeting to market; Provide Professional Service to designer, owner and individual customers...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票, 物流安排, 接聽電話,文件存檔,報關,出訂單/發票,與客人及工廠跟進訂單事宜 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Preparing quotations and invoices, Logis...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 尋找供應商, 價格分析, 處理訂單/樣辦/返貨跟進, 資料輸入, 詢價等(Follow up orders and strong in product knowledge with factories exp. is pref.; Strong in problems solving...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 需外勤/ 戶外工作, 派駐客戶地點工作, 需到內地工廠作資料輸入 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, 需外勤/ 戶外工作, 派駐客戶地點工作, 需到內地工廠作資料輸入...
瀏覽詳情一般文書,採購/跟單員工作, 與各方協調和跟進訂單及樣品 ...
一般文書,採購/跟單員工作, 與各方協調和跟進訂單及樣品...
瀏覽詳情Manage and oversee all operations related to the production and product development of new items for cost and quality, Orders and lab testing follow-up; Communic...
Manage and oversee all operations related to the production and product development of new items for cost and quality, Orders and lab testing follow-up; Communic...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票, 物流安排, Follow up orders & samples, including monitor the product testing, production process, inspection & on-time delivery....
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票, 物流安排 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Preparing quotations and invoices, Logis...