Provide clerical and administrative support; Assist in the preparation of invoice, quotation and purchase order; Assist in other duties as assigned ...
瀏覽詳情一般客戶服務文員工作, 接聽熱線, 解答客戶查詢, 提供客戶售後服務, 處理客戶投訴, 一般文書工作 ...
General duties of Customer Services Clerk, Answering calls of telephone hotline, Handling enquiries from customers, Providing after-sales service to customers, H...
瀏覽詳情一般文書工作,包括文件存檔、資料輸入、複印、編制報告等;處理辦公室雜務及外勤事務,包括文件送遞、銀行入帳等;一般辦公室工作,如影印及釘裝文件;負責跟單、落單及出報價單;接聽電話及負責日常聯絡工作。 ...
Clerical & office duties; Office support & outdoor duties; Follow up invoices, take orders & issue quotations; Handle phone calls & daily liaison work....
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 處理報價和發票, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 物流安排, 網店跟進,安排發貨 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Preparing quotations and invoices, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Logis...
瀏覽詳情一般文員工作, 接聽電話, 接聽電話, 一般文書工作,包括文件存檔、資料輸入、複印、編製報告等, 接聽電話, 處理外勤事務,包括文件送遞、銀行入帳等及辦公室雜務, 陪診 ...
General duties of General Office Clerk; Handling telephone calls; Handling telephone calls; General clerical duties, including filing, data input, photocopying, ...
瀏覽詳情一般文員工作, 一般文書工作, 包括文件存檔、資料輸入、複印、編製報告等, 處理外勤事務, 包括文件送遞、銀行入帳等及辦公室雜務, 接聽電話, 處理特派工作 ...
General duties of General Office Clerk, General clerical duties, including filing, data input, photocopying, preparing reports etc., Outdoor duties, including do...
瀏覽詳情處理報價, 跟進訂單, 與工廠聯絡報價, 與相關部門協調生產進度, 對單, 打單, 安排出貨事宜, 協助文件存檔, 完成上司指派的工作 ...
Prepare sales quotation, processing order and follow up all receivable and delivery activities, assist with customers services, coordination and supplies, update...
瀏覽詳情負責接聽客人,提供有效率的賓客服務並處理客人預訂客房及諮詢; 並及時滿足客人每項要求;把客人預訂或更新的資料準確輸入系統中 ...
負責接聽客人,提供有效率的賓客服務並處理客人預訂客房及諮詢; 並及時滿足客人每項要求;把客人預訂或更新的資料準確輸入系統中...
瀏覽詳情接聽電話和接收訊息、分類和投遞傳入和傳出的郵件; 文件掃描、影印、分類,支援同事日常事務; 前往銀行存入支票,偶爾需要外勤到現場工作 ...
Answer phone calls and take messages, sort and deliver incoming and outgoing mail; Scan, photocopy and classify documents, support daily affairs of colleagues; d...
瀏覽詳情一般文書工作,包括文件存檔、資料輸入、複印、編制報告等;處理辦公室雜務及外勤事務,包括文件送遞、銀行入帳等;一般辦公室工作,如影印及釘裝文件;負責跟單、落單及出報價單;接聽電話及負責日常聯絡工作。 ...
瀏覽詳情一般行政及文書工作, 包括文件存檔、資料輸入等; 需外勤工作(到銀行) ...
一般行政及文書工作, 包括文件存檔、資料輸入等; 需外勤工作(到銀行)...
瀏覽詳情處理及核對貸款申請,負責信貸評估及貸款批核,處理日常電腦及文書工作(具良好溝通及應對技巧,工作積極主動,誠懇服務態度)(有年終花紅,晉升機會,進修津貼) ...
瀏覽詳情一般船務文員工作,安排船期, 跟進訂單及交貨, 處理船務文件/空運文件及報關, 開發票及送貨單 ...
一般船務文員工作,安排船期, 跟進訂單及交貨, 處理船務文件/空運文件及報關, 開發票及送貨單...
瀏覽詳情Work cooperatively with internal colleagues; respond to outside inquiries and coordinate effectively with other staff members; assist in preparing documents and ...
Work cooperatively with internal colleagues; respond to outside inquiries and coordinate effectively with other staff members; assist in preparing documents and ...
瀏覽詳情一般行政助理工作, 協助人力資源工作,如招聘及計算薪酬, 負責一般行政工作,協助辦公室日常運作, 協助團隊同事擔任一般工作支援, 安排約見及預約事宜 ...
General duties of Administrative Assistant, Assisting in general personnel matters, such as recruitment and payroll, Responsible for general administrative work,...
瀏覽詳情一般文書,採購/跟單員工作, 與各方協調和跟進訂單及樣品 ...
一般文書,採購/跟單員工作, 與各方協調和跟進訂單及樣品...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票, 物流安排 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Preparing quotations and invoices, Logis...
瀏覽詳情Assist manager/ess & team in handling clerical duties;Coordinate and support marketing & promotional activities;Provide general administrative & marketing suppor...
Assist manager/ess & team in handling clerical duties;Coordinate and support marketing & promotional activities;Provide general administrative & marketing suppor...
瀏覽詳情接聽電話,回覆電子郵件,文件影印及分類存檔,支援上司日常事務;銀行入票,間中需外勤 ...
Answering phone calls, replying emails, photocopying and classifying documents, supporting the daily affairs of the boss; depositing invoices at the bank, occasi...
瀏覽詳情協助行政及文書工作,包括檔案管理、撰寫書信; computer edit documents, office administration ...
協助行政及文書工作,包括檔案管理、撰寫書信; computer edit documents, office administration...