負責行政與人力資源管理工作;文書處理;會議紀錄;安排辦公用品訂購及辦公室內各項維修; 上司指派事務; 協助參展事務 (居於東區及可即時上班優先; 具良好中英文書寫及溝通技巧) ...
Responsible for administration and human resources administration duties; Organize office supplies ordering and office maintenance; Assist to other ad hoc projec...
瀏覽詳情為稿件調校顏色,設計相關工作,修改稿件,跟進及製作輸出流程 (懂操作MAC及PC電腦,掌握Photoshop, AI等繪圖軟件) ...
為稿件調校顏色,設計相關工作,修改稿件,跟進及製作輸出流程 (懂操作MAC及PC電腦,掌握Photoshop, AI等繪圖軟件)...
瀏覽詳情負責行政與人力資源管理工作;文書處理;會議紀錄;安排辦公用品訂購及辦公室內各項維修; 上司指派事務; 協助參展事務 (居於東區及可即時上班優先; 具良好中英文書寫及溝通技巧) ...
瀏覽詳情負責接聽電話、落單、安排及跟進出貨事宜、間中需外出工作 (居於東區及可即時上班優先) ...
Responsible for answering call, follow orders and handle complaints, may need to work outside office; arrange and resolve product delivery matters (Live in Easte...
瀏覽詳情負責行政與人力資源管理工作; 會議紀錄; 文件存檔; 安排辦公用品訂購及辦公室內各項維修; 根據需要協助其他特派任務, 協助參展事務 (居於東區及可即時上班優先) ...
Provide clerical support to the department (e.g., data entry, inventory control and update), Prepare various report and documents (Live in Eastern Area and immed...
瀏覽詳情接聽電話及回覆查詢; 處理一般文書工作 (包括資料輸入, 文件存檔, 複印, 處理傳真及郵件等) 及其他委派之工作, Manage office inventory and purchase office stationery, office maintenance; Administrative duties...
瀏覽詳情接聽電話及回覆查詢; 處理一般文書工作 (包括資料輸入, 文件存檔, 複印, 處理傳真及郵件等) 及其他委派之工作, Manage office inventory and purchase office stationery, office maintenance; Administrative duties...
瀏覽詳情處理一般辦公室日常事務和文書工作, 資料輸入、更新資訊、歸檔文件、接聽電話等(穿梭巴士地點:大埔, 上水, 粉嶺, 沙田, 九龍塘, 九龍灣, 荃灣, 天水圍, 屯門, 元朗, 太古, 柴灣) ...
Handle general office routine and clerical duties, data entry, update information, filing documents etc, answer phone calls and provide support to the team(Shutt...
瀏覽詳情負責一般行政及人力資源工作, 如更新員工個人資料、出勤記錄、文件存檔及計算薪酬; 需要執行主管指派的臨時工作 (With 1 year relevant experience) ...
Provide day-to-day support on Human Resources and Administration functions; Maintain and update employee database and filling systems; Prepare payroll, keep atte...
瀏覽詳情為部門提供文書支援 (資料輸入、庫存控制和更新) ...
Responsible for general account duties, month-end closing, support tasks as assigned by supervisor and support administration department, prepare and update data...
瀏覽詳情客戶文員- 擬備報價表,跟進客戶文件檔 等 ...
prepare quotations, invoicing, filing, follow-up matters, etc...
瀏覽詳情一般文書工作,包括文件存檔、資料輸入、複印、編製報告等 ...
General clerical duties, including filing, data input, photocopying, preparing reports etc....
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 處理報價和發票, 尋找供應商,價格分析, 物流安排 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Preparing quotations and invoices, Sourcing suppliers, price analysis, Logistic...
瀏覽詳情Perform all around HR functions; Handle ad hoc projects and perform other duties as assigned ...
瀏覽詳情Perform all around HR functions; Handle ad hoc projects and perform other duties as assigned ...
瀏覽詳情協助跟進廠家訂單、進口文件處理及報關 (居於東區及可即時上班優先) ...
Follow-up purchase orders with suppliers, follow shipping documents and import declaration (Live in Eastern District & immediately available preferred)...
瀏覽詳情負責一般行政助理工作, 包括文件存檔, 資料輸入, 複印等, 處理辦公室雜務及外勤事務, 包括文件送遞, 銀行入帳等, 接聽電話, 處理傳真及郵件 ...
Responsible for administrative assistant duties, including filing, data input, photocopying, etc., office support and outdoor duties, including document collecti...
瀏覽詳情一般採購員/跟單員工作, 跟進訂單, 聯絡客戶及供應商, 處理報價和發票 ...
General duties of Merchandiser / Sales Coordinator, Following up purchase orders, Liaising with customers and suppliers, Preparing quotations and invoices...
瀏覽詳情負責採購與供應管理, 執行採購活動, 採購和訂單跟進, 報關文件, 倉庫管理 (Good working attitude) ...
Coordinate with overseas suppliers and logistic service provider, prepare Purchase Order, handle customs clearance, Inventory control & data in-put. (Good workin...
瀏覽詳情負責日常出貨、執貨工作,整理及分發文件和資料 (有輪班津貼 及穿梭巴士服務) ...
負責日常出貨、執貨工作, 整理及分發文件和資料 (With Shift Allowance and Shuttle Bus Service)...